Thursday, November 11, 2021

Free Templates Source Code Simple Project Java ZK Framework


Free Templates Source Code Simple Project Java ZK Framework 

ZK Framework aims to combine the simplicity and security from its server-centric architecture, and the beauty and dynamics from the evolving client-side technologies.

The shadow components can easily turn Bootstrap templates and off-the-shelf HTML pages into dynamic web pages with MVVM data binding in Java. Data-handler and client-side command binding makes it extremely easy to integrate and reuse any 3rd party Javascript widgets or libraries in the most beloved Java way, while allowing you to still enjoy the equally important server-side integration and security.

To get this framework you can test the site or through the GitHub site on Search Type Zkoss-demo.

1. Download for sample :  

    There are many templates that you can choose.

  • Choose ui-examples

2.  Open eclipse and import project ui-examples 
     (location extract file : D:\QRNOTES3\appk-project)
  • Klik File.. choose.. Import.. choose.. Exiting Maven Project
         You can read the previous article about Eclipse on this blog.

  • Root Directory : (location extract file : D:\QRNOTES3\appk-project)

  •  Finish import.. Test Running Project..  (http://localhost:8080/ui-examples/applications2/index.zul)
  • If successful it will appear like this, you can also see this tutorial through Youtube Channel with the link below.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope this article can help you. continue to  support this blog by sharing it with others. Hope it is useful.

  • Channel Youtube : 
In this YouTube video you will explain how step by step to get a free zk framework template and how it is in Eclipse as the tools.


D. Note (step by step learn java zk framework)

E. Reference :

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Free Templates Source Code Simple Project Java ZK Framework

  Free Templates Source Code Simple Project Java ZK Framework   ZK Framework aims to combine the simplicity and security from its server-cen...